Getting Started / What to Expect at Your First Fertility Appointment

What to Expect at Your First Fertility Appointment

Your first consultation at IVFMD is a significant step on your path to parenthood. We recognize that this initial consultation can come with a mix of emotions, and we are here to guide you through the process with compassion and expertise.


When You Arrive at the Clinic

As you step into our clinic, you’ll be greeted by our friendly staff and guided through a personalized introduction to our clinic. You will meet your care team and have the opportunity to ask any initial questions before meeting with your specialist. If you did not complete your New Patient Forms prior to arrival, you will also need to set aside a few minutes to provide us with important information about your communication preferences and medical history.


Review of Medical History & Fertility Evaluation

During your initial consultation, your dedicated fertility specialist will conduct a thorough review of your medical history, including any previous fertility treatments or challenges. A comprehensive fertility evaluation may be recommended to identify any underlying factors influencing your reproductive health. This stage is crucial for creating a tailored and effective treatment plan.


Asking Questions & Communicating With Your Specialist

We believe in open and honest communication, and your first consultation is an opportunity for you to share your questions, concerns, and expectations. Your fertility specialist will take the time to listen, address any uncertainties, and provide clear explanations about the diagnostic process, potential treatments, and what to expect moving forward.


Development of a Personalized Treatment Plan

Following the evaluation, your fertility specialist will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. This plan is tailored to your specific needs, considering factors such as age, medical history, and personal preferences. We believe in a collaborative approach, and your input is valued as we navigate the best course for your fertility journey.


Overview of Financial Considerations & Support

We understand that the financial aspect of fertility treatment is an important consideration. During your first consultation, our team will provide an overview of the financial aspects, including the global IVF fee structure, insurance coverage, and any available support services or financing options. Our goal is to ensure transparency and help you make informed decisions.


Next Steps and Ongoing Support

As your first consultation concludes, your fertility specialist will outline the next steps in your fertility journey. Whether it involves further diagnostic tests, the initiation of a specific treatment, or additional consultations, you will have a clear roadmap for what comes next. Throughout your entire fertility journey, our team is dedicated to providing ongoing support, guidance, and compassionate care.

Preparing for Your First Appointment

New Patient Forms

Save time at your first appointment by downloading our New Patient Form packet online before your arrival at our clinic.


Have questions about your fertility journey? Check out our FAQs to learn more about what to expect, from cost and financing questions to treatment information.

Have a Question?

Still have a question or can’t find the information you’re looking for? Reach out to one of our experts, and we’ll point you in the right direction.